Water & Wastewater TreatmentWock-Oliver is principally a supplier of equipment and equipment packages for the water and wastewater industries. We specialize in Packaged type Sewage treatment plants (STP) Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) and fully automatic systems..
Wock-Oliver equipment is generally manufactured in Australasia or in Europe to ISO 9001and EEC standards of safety and design.
PACKAGED AEROBIC WASTEWATER PLANTS: We offer the FAST aerobic MBBR /TBR /IFAS and fixed film packed bed reactor designed specifically for shock loads.
DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION: We offer unique short detention time high surface loading dissolved air flotation units for higher efficiencies and higher consistency sludges. These are particularly suited to waste water applications paper mills industrial biological sludge thickening and algae removal from drinking waters.
CLARIFIERS: We have a complete range of clarifiers and thickeners for removal of suspended solids. We can supply complete units or part supply drive mechanisms.
VOK-MBR - membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment and water re-use.
SLUDGE DEWATERING: We offer a range of dewatering equipment for dewatering biological or chemical sludges. A range of belt presses from 500mm wide to 3000mm wide with either rotary drum or gravity table thickening.
CONTINUOUS SAND FILTERS: We have a new and improved technology for the continuous cleaning of sand filters. Continuous sand filters require no downtime for backwashing and have no moving parts.MICROFILTERS: We can offer a range of cloth type filters for screening as fine as 5-10 microns.
UV INLINE DISINFECTION: We offer the Berson Inline 'next generation' UV system which is based on more than 30 years of experience in water & wastewater treatment.
SOLAR POWERED CIRCULATION AND MIXING EQUIPMENT: We offer the Solarbee solar powered circulation mixer for control of blue green algae and circulation issues in ponds power station cooling ponds and dams.
OZONE GENERATORS: We offer from ozone generators from small generators to large units for large municipalities.
ANAEROBIC TREATMENT: We offer Wock-Oliver’s high rate anaerobic processes for the supply of state-of-the-art affordable treatment of medium and high strength organic waste water.
BIOGAS REUSE: We offer Global Waters' know-how in generating biogas with the supply and handling systems for fossil fuel system replacement and power generation
SCREENING: This is the first step in water and wastewater treatment. We provide a complete range of screens for removal of gross and suspended solids.
GRIT REMOVAL: We offer a complete range of grit removal and grit washing equipment including the patented Smith & Loveless Pista grit removal system . We have units specifically designed for specific industries including the pulp and paper industry.
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Chandigarh, Chandigarh